Together, we can find the right path for you.
Private Practice Psychiatric Services
Telehealth appointments available.
Warm, compassionate, personalized care for people considering medication as part of their mental health treatment plan.
David Abramson, M.D.
Dr. Abramson is a New York State licensed psychiatrist in private practice. He specializes in the treatment of patients with a variety of mental health conditions, including ADHD, anxiety and panic disorders, bipolar spectrum disorders, depression, and eating disorders.
Schedule your first visit.
Schedule follow-ups.
Experienced Psycho-pharmacologist
Dr. Abramson provides medication management for ADHD (formerly known as 'ADD'), Depressive disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Bipolar disorder and more.
Absolutely Private
No insurance affiliation ensures your personal information remains just that; YOUR information.
Reimbursable Out-Of-Network
Check with your current insurer for details about reimbursement for out-of-network providers. Dr. Abramson accepts only private-pay patients and is not taking new in-network (HMO) insurance patients for medication management.
Over 200 5-Star Reviews
Office Policies
At this time, Dr. Abramson does not participate in any insurance plans. Appointments are available on a fee-for-service basis only.
Missed Appointments
Cancellation notice given less than 24 hours in advance will result in a charge for a full visit.
Regular Refills
Established patients must schedule follow-up appointments for regular refills.